Sunday Services

Traditional Worship Services are held every Sunday at 9:30 AM

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Do you want to watch our Sunday Service live?  Go to Orangewood Church's Facebook page at . The service should be live streaming near the top of the page.

MIDWEEK MESSAGE FOR February 12, 2025 ______________________________________________________________________________ 
Souper Bowl of Caring  OPC has a long history of generosity and giving and Sunday’s "Souper Bowl of Caring", continued that tradition. Despite an early and seemingly insurmountable lead in the Chief's bin, the Eagles surged back! When we did the count, it was truly a dead tie; 71 cans/boxes of soup in each team's bin. This did not include what had been dropped in the Commercial bucket (35 cans). The non-perishable food items deposited in each of the 3 containers were 40 or so. Additionally, $14   0 was collected by cash or check. Each agency, NourishPhx and Agua Fria Food Bank, will receive 130 items and a $70 check.  That exceeds the goal of 100 items each!!! Once again the good folks at OPC are champions of caring! Thanks to each of you for supporting the cause.
Breakfast Out Bunch  On Thursday, February 13, the Breakfast Out Bunch will meet at the Moon Valley Café at 9:00 am. Let Sally Haskins know if you’re planning to come. or 602-971-0457. ______________________________________________________________________________
Pie on the Patio: The Congregational Life Committee will be serving cherry pie on the patio on Sunday, February 16 after the worship service. Please join in for a slice of pie, a cup of coffee, and fellowship.  We won't have ice cream, but we will have whipped cream! 
Presidents’ Day  In observance of President’s Day, the Orangewood Office will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, February 17 and 18, respectively. We will re-open on Wednesday, February 20. 
Knot Just Knitters  On Wednesday, February 19, Knot Just Knitters will gather in the East Seminar Room of Page Hall at 5:00 pm.  
Liturgists  If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to serve at Orangewood, we are looking for a few more people willing to be the Liturgist on Sunday mornings at 9:30. If you’d like more information or would like to volunteer, please contact Becky Cederquist at, or Chuck Sedgwick at  Your help will be greatly appreciated! 


Thursday, February 13 
            9:00 am            Breakfast Out Bunch at the Moon Valley Café 
Sunday, February 16 
            6:15 am          Grace Lutheran Volunteer Event. Meet at Grace Lutheran Church. 
            9:30 am          Worship service in the Sanctuary 
          10:30 am          Pie on the Patio 
          10:45 am          Immerse Bible Study in Room 11 
Monday and Tuesday, February 17 and 18 
Orangewood church office will be closed for Presidents’ Day 
Tuesday, February 18 
          1:00 pm           Congregational Life Meeting in Room 11   
Wednesday, February 19 
         9:30 am             Bells Rehearsal in the Sanctuary 
        11:00 am            Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary 
          5:00 pm            Knot Just Knitters in the East Seminar Room of Page Hall 
Thursday, February 20 
         6:30 pm             Session Committee will meet in Room 11 

Orangewood’s Contemporary Worship Service 

For those of you who have never participated in a Contemporary Worship service or for those who attended OPC’s contemporary services in the past, I want to tell you a bit about the services we are currently planning.  A contemporary worship service is an experience designed to engage modern congregants through a blend of traditional, innovative, and contemporary practices. These services are generally characterized by their informal atmosphere, use of modern music, and a focus on personal faith and praise. 

Key elements of OPC’s upcoming contemporary service include: 

Music: You will hear music that is likely new to you, accompanied by guitar, keyboard, drums, and piano, but no organ. Some songs will have a gospel feel, others will seem more pop. You can expect to hear some familiar songs, sung in a different way. You’ll be encouraged to sing with the worship leaders on some songs.  

Informal Atmosphere: Traditional services usually follow a set order of worship and liturgy. Contemporary services tend to be more free-flowing, although you will hear scripture and participate in prayers. The sermon you hear may not be presented in a traditional format. Contemporary worship can be more appealing to people who are not familiar with traditional church settings. 

Participation and Fellowship: The music and atmosphere can help people feel more connected to God and each other. We believe you will leave the service feeling both comforted and uplifted. 

If you’re not able to attend this service in person, it will be broadcast Live and will also be available as a recorded service through OPC’s Facebook link: 

In Christ’s Service, 
Your Worshipful Leaders 
